FA24 Engine Replacement Options


If you need to replace your engine, you have a few different options. We investigate the options available and their tradeoffs.

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Upcoming prototype oil pan from Verus Engineering

We get our most detailed look at the upcoming oil pan from Verus Engineering and I share some thoughts on heat management.

Looking into the interior of a GR Cup car through the driver's side window

GR Cup Reliability Modifications


Through conversation with first-party sources and paddock sleuthing, I've been able to document many details of how the GR Cup car is prepared to be able to handle 45 minute races.

Parts catalog drawing of window wiper blades

Wiper Blade Replacements


For some reason, I need to write a post about replacing wiper blades. (Thanks Subaru!)

Image of oil pan after engine failure

After my engine failure earlier this year, I sent a blind sample into Blackstone Labs to see what they would detect in the oil. I was surprised the results did not significantly diverge from previous tests, so I reached out to them to learn more.

Comparison of 20 vs 15 row oil cooler cores

Oil Cooler, Rev. 2


After my original Jackson Racing oil cooler could not be reinstalled due to oil line abrasion, I made a handful of changes to my oil cooler configuration to try and achieve more efficient cooling.

BRZ with a grill mesh insert

Installation Guide: Low-Cost Grill Mesh


Adding a metal grill insert to your existing bumper allows you to protect your radiator and oil cooler from rock impacts and rodents. And it’s dirt cheap.

BRZ and GR86 on track

GR86 vs BRZ: Technically Speaking


Many people make their 86 purchasing decision based on looks or brand affiliation. There's nothing wrong with that, but there are a handful of material differences you’ll want to be aware of before buying a second generation twin.